Some years back studying English and speaking it in a proper way, was a plus or an opportunity only some people had.

Nowadays having the skills of communicating in English is not a plus is a must and getting the chance to learn it should not be an opportunity, should be an space where people may get the chance of learning in English.

  • Learning a language goes beyond than just vocabulary, grammar or expressions, learning a foreign language is a matter of getting in touch with a new culture, discovering it as a way of communicating and finding it practical  and part of our lives. Getting in touch with a new language opens doors to see the way people live and think, but also it is a very good opportunity to let other know who we are and way we live and express our feelings. It is a different side and a different perspective, because so many times we think that learning English is to be able to understand their culture and my point is learning English will give the chance to the East of Antioquia to communicate who we are, what we do and the way we deal with our lives.

    So, learning English at the east of Antioquia is chance to open our culture to others, to express who proud we feel about our region and how beautiful this region is, is an open door to welcome others and to promote our PAISA culture, is also a way of keeping in touch, updated and alert besides worldwide events and a way of showing them whatever happens around us.


    Albeiro Monsalve Marín

    Head of the language Center

    Coordinator of  BA in foreign languages and language teaching

    Universidad Católica de Oriente